Think Your Employees Aren’t Burnt Out? Think Again

If you want your business to succeed, you need to take care of your employees, but businesses sometimes let this important task slip in the throes of the day-to-day. Deloitte estimates that around 8 out of every 10 wage workers show signs of burnout. So the question then becomes… What are you doing about it?

Why Consulting a Security Professional is the Right Call for Your SMB

If you or your business are worried about cybersecurity, we’d like to say, “Congratulations, you get it!” Too many people fail to take cybersecurity seriously, and with hackers and data breaches making headlines worldwide, you cannot underestimate them. Today, we want to cover how a cybersecurity consultant can save you time, money, and stress over […]

The Importance of Passwords Cannot Be Ignored

The Importance of Passwords Cannot Be Ignored

Passwords protect nearly all of your accounts; or at least you hope that they do. Unfortunately, making a super-secure password that’s easy to remember can be harder than people expect. Oftentimes, it feels like you are constantly solving a puzzle. So then, how do you create passwords that keep hackers out without driving yourself crazy? […]

Stuck on a Problem? Just Step Away (Seriously, Take a Break)

Sometimes problem solving requires you to step away and think about the issue at hand. Consider any great strategist out there and you’ll understand that it takes time and calculation to make moves that will benefit you now and in the future. Today, we’ll explore how you can be more productive through strategic pausing.

How to Use Patience for Productivity

Spoiler alert: a business that lacks productivity is unlikely to see any amount of success. One of the best ways to ensure your productivity is to practice patience. How can patience improve your productivity?

Deal with These Three Issues to Avoid Most Printer Problems

Deal with These Three Issues to Avoid Most Printer Problems

Printers… they’re the tech we love to hate, especially when they just don’t work right. You’d think a device with one main job could handle it! So, why do printers mess up so often? Here’s a look at the main reasons why printers fail. Usually, it’s because of one of these three things: software issues, […]

This NIST-Supported Cybersecurity Framework has Robust Benefits

A well-structured framework is essential for establishing effective, consistent policies and strategies. This applies to many areas—including network security. Today, we’re diving into the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) cybersecurity framework, which outlines steps to help safeguard your business.

Four Signs You Have a Phishing Attack on Your Hands

There’s never been a more dangerous time to run a business. Okay, maybe that’s not necessarily true, but hear me out. With digital technology taking on a greater importance for businesses than ever before, companies have to contend with countless threats—including the ever-popular phishing scams—regardless of their geographical location.