Tip of the Week: Docking your Laptop while Keeping it Closed

The laptop is an excellent piece of office equipment due to its portability and its power to meet the needs of most of today’s workforce. When in the office, however, many prefer the much larger screens that are more typical of the traditional desktop. Let’s talk about how you can get the best of both […]

Is Free Antivirus Good Enough?

If you are old enough to remember when antivirus (like most computer software) came in a great big textbook-sized box at the store, then you probably remember a time when that was the only protection you really needed. Today, there are countless free versions of antivirus out there. Let’s talk about how much protection these […]

A Look Back at The Technology That Got Us Here

Think about all the things you’ve experienced thanks to the rapid innovation of technology. We can all agree that technology is cool. Today, we have $10 drones, mugs that keep your coffee warm, and LEDs everywhere.  So what’s next? 

Ask a Tech: How to Choose the Right Laptop to Buy

Ask a Tech: How to Choose the Right Laptop to Buy

We spend a lot of time working with the technology that businesses rely on, including the laptop workstations used by just about everyone in many organizations today. As such, we wanted to share some of our insights so that you know what qualities you should look for when you’re ready to acquire some additional devices […]

Tip of the Week: Make Your Desktop Icons Bigger (or Smaller)

Tip of the Week: Make Your Desktop Icons Bigger (or Smaller)

If you frequently use your desktop to store icons and files, and if you’re like most people who do this, you probably have a cluttered desktop that is difficult to manage. While you can and should take time to clean it up from time to time, one quick way you can do so is by […]

Keyboards Get Pretty Gross, Here’s the Safest Way to Clean It

Keyboards Get Pretty Gross, Here’s the Safest Way to Clean It

The keyboard that you may very well have used to access this blog is, in a word, gross. While we aren’t going to go into too much detail about what makes keyboards so grimy, we did want to outline how you can easily clean up your keyboard every so often, just to make sure that […]

We Asked an AI to Write This Post About AI

We Asked an AI to Write This Post About AI

Over the last few months, we’ve seen a huge explosion in AI-generated content. From AI-generated artwork to convincing but fake videos of famous people, AI has quickly become an interesting enigma with a lot of apparent applications. Will artificial intelligence take everybody’s job? Will robots truly take over? We decided it would only be fair […]