The Pitfalls of Procrastination: How to Beat It, in the Short-Term

The Pitfalls of Procrastination: How to Beat It, in the Short-Term

We’ve been examining the concept and phenomenon known as procrastination in recent weeks, touching on why we do it and how it often manifests itself in business processes. For our final few parts, we’ll be focusing on how you can stop procrastinating by utilizing both quicker, short-term tactics and long-term, sustained changes. Let’s start with […]

The Pitfalls of Procrastination: What Kind of Procrastinator are You?

The Pitfalls of Procrastination: What Kind of Procrastinator are You?

We recently started to pick apart the concept of procrastination as a means of understanding it better, and potentially, getting better at not doing it. Last time, we touched on a few ways that procrastination can potentially manifest, so it only made sense to us that we would continue pulling that thread and try to […]

The Pitfalls of Procrastination: What is It, and Why Do We Do It?

The Pitfalls of Procrastination: What is It, and Why Do We Do It?

“Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” It’s timeless advice, as well as some of the easiest and most tempting advice to ignore. Procrastination is one of those things that we all assume we understand, but we wanted to take a bit of time to explore it in greater detail…and figure out […]

Stay Limber: Stretches Recommended for Office Workers

Stay Limber: Stretches Recommended for Office Workers

We tend to focus most of our attention on how to maintain your business’ technology over time. This only makes sense—we are a managed service provider, after all—but that being said, your IT is not the only element that needs to be properly taken care of. It is just as important that you and your […]

Does Your IT Staff Have These Important Certifications?

Does Your IT Staff Have These Important Certifications?

Information technology is a constantly changing industry, with practices shifting all the time. As a result, anyone you have working on your company’s IT should be actively seeking out various certifications to confirm that they are keeping up on modern trends and standards. To help you accomplish this, we’ve put together a brief list of […]

An Organized Workspace Has Major Benefits

An Organized Workspace Has Major Benefits

Every office has that one person that doesn’t seem to care that they are working in a room with other people. You know the type: They have day-old food on their desk. There are papers and other unnecessary items strewn about the desktop. Things are sticky and smell strange. The funny part is they seem […]

Is Your Business Being Held Back By All Those Meetings? Research Says Yes

Is Your Business Being Held Back By All Those Meetings? Research Says Yes

Meetings are a common hold-up for getting things done in the office, an idea that is certainly not unfounded. Research supports the premise that meetings impact productivity. Let’s consider what the numbers say and how you can work to ensure meetings don’t influence your company’s productivity in a negative way.

The Wide Scope of Cloud Offerings Gives Businesses Great Opportunity

Cloud computing is turning into a tool that is universally used by businesses to enhance remote access and provide the scalability for tools that allow a business to get the best bang for their buck. This month, we’ll describe how modern cloud computing works and why it is such a huge potential benefit for your […]

Why You Want Critical Thinking Behind Your IT Management

Why You Want Critical Thinking Behind Your IT Management

Critical thinking skills are universally useful to have, particularly in the business setting, and especially when it comes to your business’ information technology management. Let’s discuss how these skills benefit your business, and how you can work to foster them.

In The Battle Between Employee vs. AI, Everyone Can Be A Winner

For many years now, there’s been a bit of a fear of AI—artificial intelligence—in the workplace, all while it has been put into practical use more and more often in many businesses. This all ties back to the work of Alan Turing, who (amongst his accomplishments in comput ng) created what we know as the […]